I believe that Space force and Trump are about to prove that the 2020 election was stolen massively and Trump won in a landslide.

I believe that Space force and Trump are about to prove that the 2020 election was stolen massively and Trump won in a landslide.

I believe that Space force and Trump are about to prove that the 2020 election was stolen massively and Trump won in a landslide.

Spaceforce along with Starlink is a crucial part of exposing and revealing the corrupt fraudulent voting systems not just in the US but around the world. This will overturn the 2020 election as Trumps Space force delivers the goods for the world to see. This will expose all the Deep State players and heads. The MOSSAD MSM needs to go down in order for Starlink to take over all communications so the truth can flood out.

I remember when MSM mocked Trump for setting up Space Force - they really don’t have a clue what’s about to drop. - @elonmusk was even flossin- sayin he had space lasers! i wanna see starlink havin target practice- roastin those msm satellites 🤣🥳💫✌️

#staycuriousANDkeepsmilin #truthSoldiers

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